Software Downloads

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Concourse, Windows library automation software is used by thousands of librarians across the country and internationally. Concourse automates all of your library tasks for cataloging, circulation, searching, inventory and more.

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eZcat is the fastest and easiest method of cataloging your library materials. Utilizing the power of the Internet, eZcat allows you to search (Author, ISBN/LCCN, Title, etc.) and download free catalog records right from the Library of Congress, major universities, and public libraries. With just a few keystrokes, the records you select are added directly into Concourse, allowing you to edit/modify and save them into the Concourse catalog.

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Patrons have come to expect access to the library catalog. Book Systems provides innovative Web-server technology for Concourse customers that make it possible for your patrons to have 24/7 real-time access to your library. WebOPAC enhances Concourse by providing instant access for your patrons through an Internet connection using a standard Web-browser from home or elsewhere. Patrons can view the library's collection anywhere, anytime.

